
In the animal world there are extremely many motifs that are worth drawing or painting. I try to draw animals that I know personally as well as, for example, wild animals.

The best horse in the world

is a small Icelandic red mare

the two drawings are pencil drawings on DIN A4 paper. The picture in acrylic colours is painted on Canvas on a 80 x 80 cm stretcher frame.

The horse in this picture is painted completely differently from all the other pictures on this page. For the background, the acrylic paint was applied in short strokes using a bristle brush. For the horse, the paint was applied in several layers with a small rubber brush.

Lion moods

actually I had imagined that it would be quite easy to draw lions - until I tried it...

Chameleon types

Although chameleons are associated with a lot of colour, they also make a worthwhile subject for drawing.

Unlike the other pictures shown here, this chameleon was created on my drawing tablet.

Animal portraits

Here I start a small collection of portraits